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What can I do to prepare my pet for disaster?

1.  Microchip your pet: A microchip is a tiny transponder about the size of a raw grain of rice and is made of biocompatible material.  Using a large syringe, a veterinarian implants it into the skin beneath your dog's shoulder blades.  This placement is permanent. The implantation procedure doesn't hurt any more than any other injection, and there's no need for local anesthetic.  If your pet becomes separated from you during an emergency, your pet can be "scanned" by shelter personnel or most veterinarians and tied directly to you.  For more information, contact your veterinarian or visit one of the following websites:


2.  Crate Train your pet: It is important that you have a crate or travel carrier on hand, for use during an emergency. If your pet is not trained to spend time in this crate, it can be a very anxious experience for him or her. Train your pet ahead of time to feel comfortable in their crate.

3.  Take photos: Taking photos of your family members with your pets can help identify who a pet belongs to during an emergency. Clearly label each family member by name, include as much contact information as possible on the photos and laminate them or keep them in waterproof containers.

4.  Be sure ID tag information is current: Many people will move and their last thought is to update the little tag hanging from their dog or cats collar.  Updating this information is a simple and inexpensive way to be sure you are reunited with your pet.

5.  Create a "Buddy System" with your neighbors: Visit with your neighbors and friends to discuss what each of you plan to do with your pets in the event of an emergency.  If you are absolutely unable to take your pets with you, it is vital that you have a plan in place ahead of time.